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Registration for the '25-'26 Training Session Opens May 15th, 2025!


Since 1968, the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors of the Greater Los Angeles Area has conducted this training program to provide skilled personnel to meet the needs of the PHC industry.

Our program provides training at both the apprentice and journeyman level, with classes held during evening hours, allowing students to complete a full work day gaining on-the-job experience and putting their training to practice.

Our combination of “Hands-On” training and classroom theory under the supervision of our field-experienced instructors has proven effective in preparing our graduates with marketable job skills.

This program is based on the NCCER Curricula, most current information, and state of the art technology.

Classes are geared towards the latest Uniform Code(s) with the most current amendments to cities and counties. There is ample class material provided with related visual aids.

The program is administered by PHCC-GLAA through its training committee, which is composed of contractors with a deep abiding interest in the training and education of the industry. Our school is dedicated to provide training to meet the demands of today’s job market.

PHCC Los Angeles Training Program is accredited through the DOL and NCCER.

Apprenticeship Standards Developed in Cooperation with The U. S. Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship

The PHCC GLAA Training program is registered with the U.S. Department of Labor / Office of Apprenticeship.

Employers may subscribe to the provisions of the Apprenticeship Standards formulated and registered by the PHCC Los Angeles and agree to carry out the intent and purpose of said Standards for Plumbing & HVAC and accompanying Appendices and to abide by the rules and decisions of the Sponsor established under these Apprenticeship Standards.

The apprentice training should follow the approved Work Process Schedule and Related Instruction Outline including the rotation of tasks provided by the PHCC GLAA. The employer must agree to follow the selection procedures per the approved Standards or develop alternative selection procedures in the Employer Acceptance Agreement that are consistent with the requirements set forth in 29 CFR § 30.10(b).

An employer acceptance agreement must be signed and will remain in effect until canceled voluntarily or revoked by the Sponsor, Employer or the Office of Apprenticeship.


The NCCER (National Center for Construction Education & Research) maintains a portable and widely recognized credentialing and certification system through its registry. This registry assures portability of skills by providing transcripts, certificates and wallet cards to students who successfully complete the NCCER Curriculum through an accredited sponsor. These valuable industry credentials benefit students as they seek employment and build their careers.

NCCER is the accrediting body for the industry and establishes the benchmark for quality training and assessments. By partnering with industry and academia, NCCER has developed a system for program accreditation that is similar to those found in institutions of higher learning. This process ensures that students receive quality training based on uniform standards and criteria. The NCCER Curriculum In cooperation with publishing partner Pearson, has developed and publishes a world-class curriculum created by “Subject Matter Experts” representing contractors and schools from around the country. “Subject Matter Experts” ensure exceptional training programs that meet or exceed national industry standards. The NCCER Curriculum, which includes more than 60 craft areas, is taught worldwide by contractors, associations, construction users, and secondary and post-secondary schools. In addition, multiple state Departments of Education recognize the curriculum along with the U. S. Dept. of Labor – Office of Apprenticeship.

Program Information

Students attend class one evening a week, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for 42 weeks if enrolled in Plumbing or HVAC, 14 weeks if enrolled in Backflow.

The training program employs industry professionals as instructors. As part of the curriculum, industry experts demonstrate cutting-edge products and technology, along with innovative production techniques.

On occasion, some classes are offered on weekends or may require the student to attend during the day. These are always scheduled and announced well in advance, giving you ample time to make arrangements to attend.

For optimal learning and to ensure social distancing policies, class size is limited to follow CDC guidelines.

Classes, if warranted, will be divided into two nights if sufficient enrollment is reached for a particular course.

The PHC Industry is constantly changing. If you would like to take a course or study some aspect of the industry that is not covered in the curriculum, you are invited to discuss your ideas with the Training Coordinator. Whenever possible, the Training Program tries to accommodate reasonable requests to satisfy student and industry needs.

Training Inquiry
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What training are you interested in?
Changes in Curriculum and Scheduling

PHCC-GLAA Training program reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or combine classes; to change instructors; to adjust tuition, fees or class size; and to alter curriculum. PHCC Training Program also reserves the right to deny any student permission to enter or continue a course of study.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

PHCC-GLAA Training Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, handicap, language, ancestry, or marital status in their educational programs and activities, or employment practices. PHCC-GLAA Training Program encourages gender equality in student’s selection of courses and/or programs, career choices, and personal decisions. All of these categories are protected by the following legislation: Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 19
